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Delete Pipeline Executions in Redis


Redis can be used as a backend storage that will store the pipeline executions. In the case that there is a stuck pipeline or the pipeline execution needs to be deleted the following steps an be taken to manually delete the executions.


Locate the Pipeline ID and Pipeline Execution ID 

Via Source

Both pieces of information can be found in the execution details.  Navigate to the pipeline, and go to Execution Details -> Source The pipeline id will be labeled id and will be one of the first lines. The execution id will be execution_id and will be towards the end.

Via the URL of Resources in the Console

The URL for the pipeline when editing the pipeline from the console also contains the Pipeline ID`/#/applications//executions/configure/**** The URL for the permalink (next to the source location above) will contain the information about the Pipeline Execution ID /#/applications//executions/details/****?stage=0&step=0&details=

Via Orca Logs

The Pipeline Execution ID can also be found within the logs of the Orca instance, by running kubectl logs -n deploy/spin-orca -f Sometimes, locating the execution ID can be difficult unless it can be identified from any other executions that are running at the time


Display all executions from this pipeline: zrange pipeline:executions:{pipeline_id} 0 -1 ​ 2. For each execution that you want to remove: zrem pipeline:executions:{pipeline_id} {execution_id}​ 3. Delete the execution:

del pipeline:${execution_id}
del orchestration:${execution_id} ​
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