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Connect to Elasticsearch (ELK)

The first step in using Elasticsearch (ELK) with Harness is to set up an Elasticsearch Verification Provider in Harness.

A Harness Verification Provider is a connection to monitoring tools, such as Elasticsearch. Once Harness is connected, you can use Harness 24/7 Service Guard and Deployment Verification with your Elasticsearch data and analysis.

Before You Begin

Step 1: Add Elasticsearch (ELK) Verification Provider

To add Elasticsearch as a Harness Verification Provider, do the following:

  1. In Harness, click Setup.

  2. Click Connectors, and then click Verification Providers.

  3. Click Add Verification Provider, and select ELK. The Add ELK Verification Provider dialog for your provider appears.

Step 2: Display Name

Enter a display name for the provider. If you are going to use multiple providers of the same type, ensure you give each provider a different name.

Step 3: URL

Enter the URL of the server. The format is http(s)://server:port/. The default port is 9200.

Step 4: Username and Encrypted Password

For secrets and other sensitive settings, select or create a new Harness Encrypted Text secret.

Enter the credentials to authenticate with the server.

Step 5: Token

For secrets and other sensitive settings, select or create a new Harness Encrypted Text secret.

Some systems provide Elasticsearch as a service and use access tokens.If you have token based authentication, provide the authentication header that is passed when making the HTTP request.

Header: APITokenKey. Example: x-api-key (varies by system).

Value: APITokenValue. Example: kdsc3h3hd8wngdfujr23e23e2.

Step 6: Usage Scope

Usage scope is inherited from the secrets used in the settings.

If you selected None in Authentication, then you can scope this connection to Harness Applications and Environments.

Next Steps

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